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  3. Bushfire Bake Off

Bushfire Bake Off

2 February 2020 (by admin)

Primary Five in Carrowdore Primary School were inspired to raise money for the animals injured during the recent bushfires in Australia. The class baked lots of lovely buns for the pupils and staff and sold them on Friday 31st January.

It all started when Primary Five read a news article about an injured koala bear during their topic work on Australia. Robyn a Primary Five pupil wrote to the Principal to ask if the children could organise a fundraiser to help the poor animals they had been reading about.

Primary Five designed posters to advertise their event and baked a selection of treats including some dairy free options so everyone could be involved. The children set up the school hall and took it in turns to man the stall. The bun sale raised a staggering £122.81 which will be added to the school’s weekly charity collection and sent off to Australia!